SMALLER HADDOCK approximately 7 ounces
Slow herb & salt cure and traditional cold smoking method make this flaky white fish a tasty delicacy. Fresh haddock from the cold waters of Scotland have natural flavor that is enhanced by the oak whisky barrel chips used for smoking. A great addition to fish chowder (Cullen Skink) or stewed gently with onion, milk and butter for traditional finnan haddie. Two flaky haddock fillets, skin mostly removed. We reserve the right to increase price if fish returns to larger 10-12 ounce packages. For past year, the size of haddock fillets has been closer to 7 ounces (180-220 grams or 6-8 ounce range) so we have reduced the price to you.
A note on cooking: Finnan Haddie can be broiled, boiled or poached and is generally served for breakfast. It is often served with poached eggs. It is also a central ingredient in the iconic Scottish soup Cullen Skink.