First: we've already cooked our haggis for you, so you just need to reheat it!
We recommend that you thaw your haggis ahead of time. Thaw your frozen 1 lb. haggis in the refrigerator overnight, or in a water bath in the sink for about an hour. A 5 lb. haggis takes 2-3 days to thaw in the fridge, and 2-3 hours in the sink.
To Cook a One Pound Haggis
Oven Method - Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F and remove the haggis from the outer shrink-wrap packaging, being careful not to cut the casing. Place the thawed haggis in a loaf pan and add one inch of water. Cover the loaf pan with aluminum foil to create a steam bath for the haggis. The steam will keep the haggis moist, prevent it from bursting and allow the haggis to expand slowly as the temperature rises. Put the sealed haggis pan in the oven for 45 minutes for a thawed haggis. Increase the time to one hour for a frozen haggis.
Crock Pot Method - Remove the haggis from both its outer plastic packaging and the casing and add it to the crock pot or slow cooker. Heat on HIGH for 45 minutes if thawed, or one hour if frozen. Stir the haggis every 15 minutes or so to prevent the edges from getting dried out. Turn the slow cooker to WARM and serve when you are ready with the tatties and neeps! A crock pot is a great method for heating a lot of haggis for a crowd - just be sure to stir it so the outside edges and bottom don't dry out.
Steam on the Stove Method - Important: NEVER drop your haggis into boiling water! One or both ends will burst, and you'll have haggis soup. If you can only use a stove top to reheat your haggis, put the haggis in a steam basket above the boiling water, ideally wrapped in aluminum foil just in case it bursts! Steam the haggis above simmering water (not a roiling boil) for 45 minutes thawed, or one hour if frozen. It's best to keep the haggis in the plastic outer packaging as further precaution against overheating the haggis and bursting the casing.
Microwave Method - NOT RECOMMENDED - Remove the haggis from the outer packaging and the plastic casing, making certain you have removed both metal clips from each end. Place the haggis in a microwavable bowl and cover it loosely with a plate or other lid. Plastic wrap will not work here as exploding oatmeal will rip through the plastic wrap. Microwave at 50% power for 3 minutes, then remove and stir. Heat for an additional 3 minutes at 50% power, stir. Depending on your microwave power, you may need to repeat this once or twice more. Please do not use full power as the oatmeal will pop like popcorn and make a mess of your microwave!
To Cook a Five Pound Catering Haggis
Oven Method - Increase cooking time to 90 minutes for a thawed 5 lb haggis, 2 hours for frozen. For multiple 5 lb. haggis, increase the pan size to accommodate 2-3 haggis in a roasting pan, with enough room to completely seal the pan with foil. Turn or roll the haggis every 20-30 minutes to ensure even heating throughout and add more water to the pan if needed. DO NOT LET THE WATER DRY OUT - keep the steam bath active by adding more water. Desired internal temperature is 160 degrees F. If you must use a temperature probe, push it through the gathered end thru the metal clip. Don't stick it in the sides!
Crock Pot Method - Increase cooking time to 90 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes.
Stove Top - DON'T DO IT!
Microwave - DON'T DO IT!
To Cook a Two Pound Presentation Haggis
See below for handling instructions, adjust time for Two Pound haggis to 60 minutes if thawed, 90 minutes if frozen.
To Cook a Five Pound Presentation Haggis
The only way to cook a presentation haggis is slowly in the oven. DO NOT REMOVE the outer packaging as the natural casing is very fragile and needs to be protected until removed from the oven. Use same cooking time as a thawed catering haggis, 90 minutes. PLEASE THAW YOUR PRESENTATION HAGGIS BEFORE REHEATING. Natural casings may split if the pan gets dry, so please check your presentation haggis every 15-20 minutes to roll it in the water and add more water if the pan is getting dry. Make sure it stays moist in the oven and don't let the plastic packaging adhere to the pan!
Looking for where to find a 2 pound Presentation Haggis or other supplies for your Burns Night Supper? We have you covered!