The Blog — Haggis
How to Serve Haggis
The most traditional way to serve your haggis is with mashed potatoes and mashed yellow turnips. Or as the Scots call it: "mashed tatties and bashed neeps."
Address to a Haggis
Catapulted from the life of a small tenant farmer to the equivalent of a rock star from his first book of poems in July 1876 - titled Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect - published in the sleepy town of Kilmarnock. A single printing of 612 copies had sold out in less than a month.
How to Cook Haggis
Oven Method - Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F and remove the haggis from the outer shrink-wrap packaging, being careful not to cut the casing. Place the thawed haggis in a loaf pan and add one inch of water. Cover the loaf pan with aluminum foil to create a steam bath for the haggis. Put the sealed haggis pan in the oven for 45 minutes for a thawed haggis.
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